Ottawa Valley Farm Show

Mar 12- Mar 14    |    Ottawa, Ontario

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Serving Your Needs in Canada

If you have questions about our products, contact a rep in your area.

As you plan for success, know that NexusBioAg offers products that can help your crops in a variety of ways – like improving nutrient uptake, promoting growth and yield potential. We also hope you’ll keep in mind our continued commitment to developing and introducing new innovative biological solutions to the market that deliver even more measurable impact to your operations. 

NexusBioAg Map of serviced areas
Kristy Belzile

1. Kristy Belzile, AB

Account Manager
Neal Persson

2. Neal Persson, AB

Account Manager
Dorothee van Dijk

3. Dorothee van Dijk, AB

Account Manager
Randy Paulgaard

4. Randy Paulgaard, SK

Account Manager
Shaun Evenson 5.  Contact Craig Turner
(306) 713-0839
Craig Turner

6. Craig Turner, SK

Account Manager
Kim Lysyshyn 7.  Contact Craig Turner
(306) 713-0839


Contact Taylor Koch
(306) 519-9196
Taylor Koch

8. Taylor Koch, SK

Account Manager
Savannah Schaeffer 9.  Contact Taylor Koch
(306) 519-9196
Kevin Toews

10. Kevin Toews, MB

Account Manager
Mike Gemmill

11. Mike Gemmill, MB

Account Manager
Mike Verhoef

12. Mike Verhoef, ON

Regional Manager - ECAN