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Nitrogen Stabilizers
A comprehensive look at Nitrogen Stabilizers
Foliar Products
Granular Micronutrients
A comprehensive look at Granular Micronutrients
Micronutrients for Liquid Fertilizer
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Ottawa Valley Farm Show
Mar 12- Mar 14
| Ottawa, Ontario
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Essential for all plant growth, aiding in the transfer of sugars and nutrients from leaves to fruit. Boron also helps with specific functions in yield production by increasing pollination and seed development.
Essential for cell wall strength, specifically in the anther where the viability of pollen formation is crucial to the plant yield. Copper is important for chlorophyll production, protein synthesis, respiration, standability, and efficient use of nitrogen.
Essential for plants respiration, photosynthesis, and enzyme reactions. Iron is an important component of the enzymes used by nitrogen-fixing bacteria in legume crops.
Essential for photosynthesis and a building block of chlorophyll. Deficiencies in magnesium lead to yield reduction and greater susceptibility to plant disease.
Essential in enzyme systems, photosynthesis, and root growth. Manganese is important in the synthesis of lignin for plant cell wall strength and stiffness.
Essential in many plant functions as an enzyme co-factor, in protein synthesis and protein structure, hormone regulation, early root development, energy production, and is key for seed formation.
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NexusBioAg has a range of nutrients available, in both sulphate and oxy-sulphate forms.
Sulphate form supplies nutrients to the plant when applied. Oxy-sulphate form supplies nutrients for immediate plant availability while helping with soil buildup and extended plant needs. The products have optimum water solubility providing excellent plant availability.
Not All Micronutrients Are Made Equal - The Importance of Solubility
The key to any fertilizer is how much of it is available to the plant in that growing year.
Plants are only able to take up nutrients that have been dissolved into the soil solution. This makes it imperative to evaluate the solubility of the fertilizer product to ensure the crop is receiving the necessary nutrients.
Applying a low-solubility (i.e. less than 30% water soluble) micronutrient has very little benefit to the crop in the year of application and may result in that crop showing symptoms of micronutrient deficiency.
100% water soluble and highly available to the crop in the year of application.
Quickly provides nutrients to plants and soil building.
Relatively insoluble, making them unavailable to the crop in the year of application.
Used to build soil nutrient levels on a long-term basis rather than to correct deficiencies in the year of application.
Combination of oxides and sulphates within the same granule.
Available in the year of application is dependent on the balance of sulphate and oxide nutrients.
Effective in the correction of current deficiencies and in longer term soil building.
NexusBioAg's Portfolio of Granular Micronutrients
Our low analysis micronutrient products ensure a better distribution throughout the fertilizer blend.
With optimum water solubility, the products provide excellent plant availability.
Compatible with all fertilizer blends.
Not all products give you the same return on your investment. Learn more about the difference between Granular Micronutrient and Liquid Impregnation products
Element Overview
Nutrients play an important role in plant growth. When critical elements are deficient or not available, growth and yield is compromised. German organic chemist Justus von Liebig discovered the law known as Law of the Minimum: plant growth - and thus yield - will be poor if just one nutrient is deficient, even if all other factors and nutrients are adequate. Plant growth is improved when the supply of the scarcest nutrient is increased.
NexusBioAg has a portfolio of products to help provide the most essential nutrients for healthy, productive plants.
Essential for all plant growth, aiding in the transfer of sugars and nutrients from leaves to fruit, and for specific functions in yield production by increasing pollination and seed development.
An important nutrient for root growth, cell division, and is key for optimum pod production.
Its main function is for plant cell division (growth) in early growth stages.
Plants have high requirements for boron during reproductive growth, specifically pollination and seed set.
Essential for cell wall strength, specifically in the anther where the viability of pollen formation is crucial to the yield of the plant.
Important for chlorophyll production, protein synthesis, respiration, and the efficient use of nitrogen.
It’s essential for standability and the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins.
Required for respiration within the plant.
Essential in a wide range of plant functions as an enzyme co-factor, in protein synthesis and protein structure, hormone regulation, early root development, energy production, and is key for seed formation.
Plants have a high requirement for zinc during seed development and formation.
Necessary for chlorophyll and carbohydrate production.
Deficiencies result in stunting and reduced seed set.
Vital for the photosynthesis process and is a building block of chlorophyll.
Highly involved in nitrogen uptake.
Plays a critical role in chlorophyll synthesis with nitrogen.
An enzyme activator.
Deficiencies result in reduced yield and greater susceptibility to plant disease.
Essential for plant respiration, photosynthesis, and enzyme reactions in all crops.
An important component of the enzymes used by nitrogen-fixing bacteria in legume crops.
Essential in enzyme systems, photosynthesis, and root growth.
Important in the synthesis of lignin for strength and stiffness of plant cell walls.
Has many critical functions in the plant, including the formation of chlorophyll, which is essential for photosynthesis.
Important for yield and crop quality, and essential for enzyme activation, nitrogen metabolism; in oilseeds, sulphur is crucial for oil synthesis.
The majority of sulphur in crops is as a constituent of three S-containing amino acids (cysteine, cystine, and methionine), which are the building blocks of protein.
Its main function is to convert unusable nitrogen forms to plant-available forms.
It is required for nitrogen fixation in pulses.
Critical for early growth at internode elongation.
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